Accede al mayor público de viajes del mundo

Somos el colaborador tecnológico de viajes favorito de millones de empresas de todo el mundo. Colabora con nosotros y llega a los huéspedes que más te interesan.
Rellena el formulario a la derecha y descarga la infografía para ver cómo puede ayudarte nuestra plataforma a atraer los huéspedes que quieres y generar ingresos.
Millions of travelers visit Expedia Group sites every day to shop for their travel needs. We use multiple factors, including traveler search criteria and past booking behavior, to deliver optimal property search results that provide travelers with the most relevant properties and deals every time they search. Understanding the factors that influence your display can help you optimize your visibility and boost the bookings generated for your property.
Your property is marketed on over 200 travel booking sites such as Expedia,, Egencia and more; in more than 75 countries and 35 languages; which attract 75M monthly flight shoppers.
Our dynamic portfolio of brands helps you generate bookings through a wide range of channels including corporate, mobile, packages (e.g. flight + hotel) and more.
Our easy-to-use tools and world class sales and support teams help you optimize your strategy to fill your rooms and increase revenue.
This is a paragraph that will have more text added to it later. Usually paragraphs have more than one sentence.
Tu negocio se merece la información de viajes más detallada. Como somos la mayor plataforma de viaje del mundo, disponemos de una enorme cantidad de datos: 70 PB de datos de búsquedas y reservas de los viajeros, para ser exactos. Estos datos se usan para generar recomendaciones específicas para tu alojamiento, lo que te ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas con seguridad mediante:
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